Having a tax debt is never easy, no matter the monetary amount owed. An even worse situation is when the money you did have in your bank account disappears suddenly. The IRS issued a bank levy to satisfy a tax liability you had, and the money you needed for expenses is now gone. Does this sound…
Ignoring a tax debt can have serious consequences. Whether you cannot pay or disagree with having to pay, the IRS has several means to receive their taxes due. Wage garnishments are a common first step that the IRS takes, but if an individual remains non-compliant with their tax liability, the IRS can also issue a…
The IRS Fresh Start Program is a program that the IRS offers to taxpayers that have a tax debt. There are three repayment options that this program covers: the Extended Installment Agreement, the Offer in Compromise program, and the Tax Lien Withdrawal program. Once you apply for the Fresh Start program, the IRS will determine…
Owing a tax debt is stressful enough, but when the IRS places a lien on your assets, it can make a difficult situation even worse. A tax lien can prevent you from getting a new loan, is harsh on your credit and credit report, and can affect your security clearance or the chances of you gaining…